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Corosex® (Clack Part #A8011)

Clack Corosex (Part#A8011)

Clack Corosex (Part#A8011)

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fast-acting pH neutralization media used for large pH corrections

Corosex® is a fast-acting magnesium oxide media used in high flow rate applications or where large pH corrections are required (raw water pH level of less than 6.0).

On a per weight basis, Corosex® can neutralize five times more acidity than can calcite. This results in greatly reduced media usage for the same pH correction. Under certain low flow conditions, Corosex® may overcorrect and raise the pH beyond the desired level. For this reason, it is usually blended with calcite at a ratio that achieves the desired pH correction without over-correcting during lower flow conditions.

Where the feed water is greater than about 5 grains per gallon (85 ppm or mg/l) of hardness, pH correction with Corosex® can cause hardness minerals to precipitate out of solution, resulting in cementing or solidification of the Corosex® mineral bed. To prevent this cementing effect, upflow service is generally recommended with hardness exceeding 5 grains per gallon (85 ppm or mg/l). If downflow configuration is used, frequent backwashing should be undertaken to prevent hardening of the media bed. This is generally effective where the Corosex® to calcite blend does not exceed 50/50.

Corosex® Advantages:

  • fast acting
  • capable of large pH corrections - effective over a wide pH range of 4.5 to 6.0
  • certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60

Corosex® Disadvantages:

  • may over-correct
  • increases water hardness

As Corosex®'s magnesium oxide neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness of the water and a softener may become necessary after the neutralizing filter.

Depending on the amount of water you use, your original pH level, and other water chemistry parameters, the Corosex® will need to be replenished as it is used up. Most customers have to add Corosex to their filter periodically. Corosex® filters are often designed with media fill ports either built in to the control valve or into the tank (dome hole tanks) for this reason. Corosex® filters can be run in downflow with a backwash control valve or in upflow with a simple "in/out" variety head. A gravel support bed is recommended.

We strongly recommended using a blend of Corosex® and calcite. Start with a relatively low ratio of Corosex® (10%) and continue increasing the ratio until the desired pH correction is achieved without over-correcting.

Corosex® is is manufactured by Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC under the name FloMag® PWT 6x16.

Operating Conditions / Requirements:
Service Flow Rate: 5 to 6 GPM/ft2
Flow Direction: Upflow or Downflow
Backwash Flow Rate (Downflow Service): 10-12 GPM/ft2
Typical Freeboard: 50%
Minimum Bed Depth: 24 Inches
Recommended Bed Depth: 24-30 Inches
Recommended pH: 4.5 to 6.0
Weight: 75 lbs per Ft3
Corosex Spec Sheet
Specification Sheet
NSF/ANSI 60 Validated

Corosex® is a federally registered trademark of Clack Corporation.

FloMag® PWT 6x16 is a trademark of Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC