SoftPlus Water Softeners Iron Rival Iron Reduction Systems ecoTAC Hard Water Conditioning Systems

Iron Rival Series Iron Filters

powerful chemical-free iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide filters featuring Air Injection Oxidation technology

Iron rival iron filter
picture shown with optional tank jacket kit

Choose Iron Filter

Oxidation followed by filtration is the most effective means of iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odor) treatment - the method has been around for decades in one form or another. The oxidation of iron can be done in many ways, however, it is most frequently initiated by a chemical oxidant such as chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, or permanganate, or through an air injection pump or venturi. Chemical oxidants are a nuisance to set-up, monitor, and maintain, and often require additional equipment to treat new problems posed by the introduction of the chemicals to the water. The use of air injection pumps or a venturi requires additional costly equipment, require longer contact times (bulkier equipment), and have proven ineffective at the lower flow rates typically found in most residential settings. The Iron Rival series of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide filters is a unique air injection oxidizer that overcomes these shortcomings. The result is the industry's most effective treatment system for iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. And, not only is it highly effective, it is affordable, easy to install and operate, and requires almost no maintenance!

  • can treat up to 20 ppm iron, 10 ppm hydrogen sulfide, 5 ppm manganese (depends on catalyst media selected)
  • dramatically enhanced oxidation as compared to standard Birm iron filters with no aeration function as Birm filters without aeration rely on the presence of dissolved oxygen which in many cases is far from sufficient to completely oxidize the contaminants
  • able to treat higher flow rates with less pressure loss than most competitive systems
  • single tank system requires smaller physical footprint - saves space!
  • fully programmable digital valve (made in the USA by Fleck) controls all functions automatically based on your specific water conditions (we pre-program the settings for you to maximize performance and ensure maximum water efficiency)
  • limited maintenance required - no filters to replacement - media can last up to 10 years or more!
  • top-of-the-line Structural Poly-Glass, non-metallic treatment tank will never rust or corrode - tank comes with a 10-year warranty!
  • does not require an air injector, venturi or micronizer that can plug with iron and hard water deposits
  • no expensive air pumps to replace or repair
  • removes dissolved and precipitated iron
  • chemical free
  • effective over wide pH range

How Iron Rival Works:

Water first enters the system where it is disbursed into the top of the treatment tank by a unique diffuser. The top of the tank contains a pressurized head of air sometimes referred to as a "captive air charge" which immediately begins to oxidize dissolved iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. The captive air charge also dramatically increases the dissolved oxygen content of the water to prepare for the next stage of treatment. The water then reaches the treatment tank's bed of catalyst media, typically Birm or Filox-R. These media rapidly accelerate the combination of the dissolved contaminants and the oxygen resulting in the formation of oxidized particles (iron hydroxide, insoluble forms of manganese, and sulfur precipitates). These particles quickly grow in size and become trapped within the media bed. By the time the water reaches the bottom of the treatment tank, it is virtually free of any iron, manganese, or hydrogen sulfide.

Periodically, the digital valve controller will automatically backwash and regenerate the system without any intervention required. This process is pre-programmed at our factory to occur at specific intervals based on your water conditions and media selected - it is normally set to occur every 3 days for Birm and daily for Filox-R. The regeneration is typically scheduled to occur at night when water is unlikely to be in use for maximum convenience. No chemicals or salt are required. During regeneration, the remaining captive air charge is purged, the catalyst media is backwashed to send the oxidized particles down the drain, and fresh head of air is replenished.

Since the media within the filter acts only as a catalyst, it is not used up in the treatment process. Accordingly, there are no filters to replace, no chemicals to add, no venturi systems or pumps to maintain, etc.! Depending on the type of catalyst media selected and operating conditions, the media can last from 3 to over 10 years before it needs to be replaced!

Which contaminant are you dealing with?
Problem Likely Cause
rusty red or brown staining of fixtures or laundry and/or your water has a metallic taste excess iron
black staining of fixtures or laundry excess manganese
rotten egg smell from water Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Iron Rival Manual
Iron Rival Owner's Manual
and Installation Guide

Iron Rival Media Options:

Iron Rival systems can be configured with many different filter media. The standard and most popular media choices are Birm, which is generally used for iron treatment where pH is 6.8 or greater, and Filox-R which is used in most other applications, including those where manganese and hydrogen sulfide are present.

Clack Birm is a granular filter media consisting of a natural zeolite coated in manganese dioxide. Birm acts as an insoluble catalyst which promotes the combination of dissolved iron and dissolved oxygen in the water to form ferric hydroxide particles which become trapped in the media. Periodic backwashing removes the trapped particles and restores the system to full capacity. Chemical oxidants such as chlorine, pH levels below 6.8, as well as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) can reduce the effectiveness of Birm and even damage the media. Birm may also be used for manganese removal, however, the water to be treated should have a pH of 8.0-9.0 . If the water also contains iron, the pH should be below 8.5. High pH conditions may cause the formulation of colloidal iron which is very difficult to filter out.

Filox works in much the same manner as Birm but it has much greater oxidation capacity. It is the most potent iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide removal catalyst media presently available. It is composed of 75-85% manganese dioxide (manganese greensand is 0.5%, Birm is about 0.01%), making it capable of removing very high concentrations of contaminants with lower media volumes. It is also extremely durable and can withstand vigorous and frequent backwashing, is tolerant of oxidants such as chlorine, and is effective over a wide pH range. Due to its heavy weight and faster contaminant loading, Filox requires more frequency backwash at higher flow rates than Birm. It is important to ensure that the home's water system can provide sufficient flow rates to meet the backwash requirements.

Iron Rival Light
Iron Rival Light is a revolutionary new light weight iron treatment media that is best described as a cross between Birm and Filox. As such, it shares the best characteristics of both media. Being a coated media and light weight, Iron Rival light is easier to backwash - it requires less flow rate to backwash and it does not need to be done as often as Filox. Yet, the coating and volume of active ingredient (10% manganese dioxide) is much greater than that of Birm, resulting in longer media life and increased performance. Recommended pH level if 6.0 to 9.0. Effectively removes, iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide.

The chart below will help you choose which media is best for your application:

Comparison of Iron Rival Media Options:
Iron Rival w/ Birm Iron Rival w/ Filox Iron Rival w/ Iron Rival Light
Iron Removal? Yes Yes Yes
Manganese Removal? Low levels only under specific conditions Yes Yes
Hydrogen Sulfide
(H2S) Removal?
Birm should not be used when H2S is present
Yes Yes
Effective pH Range: 6.8 to 9.0 5.0* to 9.0 6.0* to 9.0
Advantages: light weight so relatively easy to backwash, less expensive, no chemicals required for regeneration very potent catalyst, tolerant of chlorine, removes manganese iron, and H2S across a wide pH range, no chemicals required for regeneration, very durable / long lasting light weight so relatively easy to backwash, strong catalyst, tolerant of chlorine, removes manganese iron, and H2S across a wide pH range, no chemicals required for regeneration, very durable / long lasting
Disadvantages: limited applications for manganese reduction, cannot be used when H2S is present, requires pH 6.8 or greater, effectiveness reduce by chlorine and organics more expensive, requires higher flow rates and frequency for effective backwash Filox more effective for high contaminant levels

* Note: pH correction is recommended where pH levels are less than 6.5 to prevent damage to your plumbing system and potential leaching of metals from solder as well as copper and brass plumbing components.

Iron Rival Filter Models:

The following is a list of our most popular Iron Rival models. If you require a higher flow rate or special configuration, please call us toll free at 1-866-376-2690.

Iron Rival Iron, Manganese, and Hydrogen Sulfide Filter Models


We will meet or beat any advertised
price for a comparable
backwashable iron filter!

Call toll-free: 1-866-376-2690

Iron Rival 10 Inch w/ Birm
Iron Rival
Iron Rival 8 Inch w/ Filox
Iron Rival
Iron Rival 10 Inch w/ Filox
Iron Rival
Iron Rival 10 Inch w/ Iron Rival Light
Iron Rival
Iron Rival 12 Inch w/ Iron Rival Light
Iron Rival
Iron Rival 13 Inch w/ Iron Rival Light
Iron Rival
Media: Birm Filox Filox Iron Rival Light Iron Rival Light Iron Rival Light
Pre-Oxidation by
Captive Air Charge?
yes yes yes yes yes yes
Tank Size: 10 x 54 8 x 44 10 x 54 10 x 54 12 x 52 13 x 54
Media Volume: 1 cubic foot 0.5 cubic foot 1 cubic foot 1.5 cubic feet 2.25 cubic feet 2.75 cubic feet
Iron Removal? Yes, up to 5 ppm Yes, up to 10 ppm Yes, up to 20 ppm Yes, up to 15 ppm Yes, up to 20 ppm Yes, up to 20 ppm
Yes, up to 1 ppm
but only if pH is 8.0 to 8.5 and iron to manganese ratio is 10:1 or higher
Yes, up to 2 ppm Yes, up to 5 ppm Yes, up to 3 ppm Yes, up to 5 ppm Yes, up to 5 ppm
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Removal? No
Birm should not be used when H2S is present
Yes, up to 5 ppm Yes, up to 10 ppm Yes, up to 5 ppm Yes, up to 7 ppm Yes, up to 7 ppm
Effective pH Range: 6.8 to 9.0 5.0* to 9.0 5.0* to 9.0 6.0* to 9.0 6.0* to 9.0 6.0* to 9.0
Service Flow Rate**: 5 GPM 5 GPM 8.5 GPM 6 GPM 7 GPM 8 GPM
Max (Peak) Flow Rate: 7.5 GPM 6 GPM 12 GPM 8 GPM 10 GPM 12 GPM
Backwash Flow Rate:
Cold Water <60F
Warm Water >60F






11 GPM






10 GPM
Recommended Backwash Frequency: every 3 days daily daily every 3 days every 3 days every 3 days
Bypass Included? yes*** yes*** yes*** yes*** yes*** yes***
Decorative Tank Jacket Kit? optional optional optional optional optional optional
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* Note: pH correction is recommended where pH levels are less than 6.5 to prevent damage to your plumbing system and potential leaching of metals from solder as well as copper and brass plumbing components.

** Service flow rates are based on contaminant levels not exceeding 50% of the stated levels above. Reduce service flow rate expectations as contaminant levels rise above this threshold, particularly if they are approaching the stated levels above.

***For convenient installation, all Iron Rival systems are shipped with a stainless steel bypass with female 3/4" NPT threaded connections for the inlet and outlet water connections.

Please consult us for recommendations where contaminant levels exceed the above thresholds or if your situation does not meet the above criteria. Custom units are available.

Please Note:
The contaminants or other substances removed by this water treatment device are not necessarily present in your water.