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MetSorb HMRG Arsenic & Heavy Metal Reduction Media

Graver Technologies MetSorb HMRG 16/60

Graver Technologies MetSorb HMRG 16/60

List Price: CDN$563.00
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highly effective adsorption media for the removal of trivalent and pentavalent arsenic and a wide range of heavy metals

MetSorb HMRG 16/60 is a patented titanium dioxide (TiO2) based granular adsorbent media used to remove arsenic III & V (trivalent and pentavalent, respectively), and a wide variety of heavy metals including Lead, Cadmium, Copper, Chromium+6, Selenium, and Zinc from drinking water. It is also frequently used to remove uranium.

  • top-performing arsenic removal media
  • removes both trivalent and pentavalent arsenic as well as a wide range of heavy metals
  • spent media meets requirements for non-hazardous landfill disposal
  • minimal backwash requirements reduces water waste
  • will not "dump" arsenic upon media exhaustion
  • does not require chemical regeneration
  • low cost per gallon treated - long media life in most applications
  • less affected by competing ions than competitive technologies
  • made in the U.S.A.

Independent testing consistently ranks MetSorb as a leading media for the removal of arsenic. It has a higher capacity and a lower level of ion interference than competitive iron and alumina based media. MetSorb's extremely fast kinetics allow highly effective removal with contact times of only 1.5 to 3 minutes.

MetSorb is applied in water treatment applications varying in scale from small residential systems to large-scale municipal water treatment plants.

MetSorb systems are typically run in downflow configuration with a periodic backwash to reduce the risk of channelling and to remove any particulate trapped in the filter bed. Pre-filtration for particulates can reduce frequency of backwash needed. Treatment systems can be configured as single-tank systems or as multi-tank systems in parallel for higher flow rates or in series flow for applications with high influent arsenic concentrations (generally recommended where the arsenic levels exceed 60 ppb). An empty-bed contact time (EBCT) of 3 minutes is recommended for challenging water qualities.

MetSorb HMRG has been evaluated using both the EPA TCLP (CFR 40-RCRA Regs.) and California WET methods and has been found to be non-hazardous and safe for landfill disposal. Since each application differs, however, Graver Technologies and HomePlus Products recommend that exhausted MetSorb HMRG be evaluated following all federal, state, and local regulations regarding necessary approvals for landfill disposal.

We strongly recommend ongoing water testing to monitor for arsenic breakthrough and to assess media life and schedule for media replacement.

Operating Conditions / Requirements:
Service Flow Rate: 8-10 GPM/ft2
Flow Direction: Downward Flow
Empty Bed Contact Time (EBCT): 1.5-3 Minutes
Typical Pressure Drop: <5 psi
Backwash Flow Rate: 8-10 GPM/ft2
Backwash Flow Volumes: 5-7 Bed Volumes
Typical Freeboard: 35-40%
Minimum Bed Depth: 24 Inches
Recommended Bed Depth: 30 Inches
Maximum Feed Temperature: 150F
Maximum Recommended pH: 8.3
Weight: 40 lbs per Ft3
MetSorb Spec Sheet
Manufacturer Specification Sheet
NSF/ANSI 61 Validated

Elevated levels of iron and manganese will reduce media life. It is recommended that iron and manganese be treated to reduce influent levels to 0.30 ppm (mg/l) and 0.05 ppm (mg/l), respectively prior to MetSorb. High free silica levels may impact media life in certain circumstances - please contact one of our certified water treatment technicians for assistance if your water supply has more than 30 ppm (mg/l) of free silica or more than 15 ppm (mg/l) of silicon. pH should be reduced to less than 8.3. If hydrogen sulfide (rotten egg odor) is present, please contact us for advice before applying MetSorb as additional pre-treatment will be required. Conversion of trivalent arsenic to pentavalanet arsenic prior to treatment with MetSorb is not required, however, it will enhance MetSorb performance. We recommend Filox media for the pre-treatment of iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide, and to convert trivalanet arsenic to pentavalent arsenic.

Recommended Configurations for Residential and Light Commercial Applications
8 x 44 9 x 48 10 x 54 12 x 52 13 x 54 14 x 65 16 x 65
MetSorb Volume
(Cubic Feet):
0.75 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Bed Depth
25 27 33 30 32 33 30
Rec. Service
Flow Rate (GPM):
2.8 3.5 4.4 6.3 7.4 8.6 11.2
Maximum Rec.
Flow Rate (GPM):
3.5 4.4 5.5 7.9 9.2 10.7 14.0
Backwash Flow Rate
@ 40F (GPM):
3.0 3.5 4.5 7.0 8.0 9.0 12.0
Backwash Flow Rate
@ 70F (GPM):
3.5 4.5 6.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 15.0

Graver Technologies MetSorb HMRG 16/60 Customer Questions & Answers

Question:Will metsorb HMRG remove radium?

While MetSorb is very effective at the removal of uranium under most operating conditions, radium removal is best accomplished using either ion exchange or reverse osmosis (RO). Since RO can be quite expensive and often impractical to do on a whole house basis, RO treatment is usually used only for drinking water treatment at a kitchen sink, and ion exchange is used on a whole house basis. Combining both gives you superior protection in that your most important water, the water you use for drinking and cooking, is treated by both processes.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 06, 2024

Question:What are the operating parameters for using MetSorb for Uranium removal, and what is bed lifespan?

In our Titan-Ox Whole House Arsenic and Uranium systems the operating parameters are as follows:

Titan-Ox™ Specifications and Operating Conditions:
Control Valve:Fleck 5800 SXT
Inlet/Outlet Connections:1" MNPT
Drain Connection:1/2" FNPT
Operating Temperature:36F to 100F (2 to 38C)
Operating Pressure:20 to 90 psi (1.4 to 6.2 bar)
Maximum Iron:0.3 ppm (mg/l)
Maximum Manganese:<0.05 ppm (mg/l)
Maximum pH:8.3
Maximum Arsenic:lead/lag configuration may be required
where total arsenic > 60 ppb (0.060 mg/l)**
Replacement Media:MetSorb HMRG
Typical Media Life:7 to 12 Years*
There is also a a service flow rate requirement that can be high with larger size tanks due to the weight of the media.

While MetSorb is very effective at the removal of uranium under most operating conditions, radium removal is best accomplished using either ion exchange or reverse osmosis (RO). Since RO can be quite expensive and often impractical to do on a whole house basis, RO treatment is usually used only for drinking water treatment at a kitchen sink, and ion exchange is used on a whole house basis. Combining both gives you superior protection in that your most important water, the water you use for drinking and cooking, is treated by both processes.

The media life is impacted by the contaminants present in your water. Key contaminants of note are;

  • Total hardness
  • Silica or silicone
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • pH
If proper pre-treatment is undertaken (if necessary), media lifespan of 7 to 12 years, or even longer, is very common.
By HomePlus Water on Aug 12, 2024

Question:If there is hard water is pretreatment with softener or RO required?

Unless the softener is being used to remove iron and/or manganese in addition to the hardness, a water softener should actually always be installed AFTER the MetSorb filter. The hardness present in the source water is beneficial for the MetSorb in that it help sequester the negative effects of free silica. Iron and manganese can foul MetSorb media though so if they are present above 0.3 ppm and 0.05 ppm respectively, and the softener is intended to remove these while also treating the hardness, then a softener can be installed ahead of the MetSorb filter.
By HomePlus Water on Sep 10, 2024

Question:Recommended backwash interval for 2 cu.ft. (days - volume?)

MetSorb does not require a very frequent backwash. The primary purpose of the backwash is to remove any trapped sediments and to redistribute the media in the tank so that it gets used very evenly over time. Backwash frequency is generally set between 10 and 30 days. We trend more towards 10 days if there is likely to be higher sediment levels. More frequent backwash causes some mechanical wear and tear on the media as the granules rub together in the process, so more often is not recommend. We normally recommend a 10 minute backwash and a rinse of 3 to 5 minutes afterwards. The backwash flow rate for a 2 CF system in a 12" diameter tank depends on your incoming water temperature ranging from 6 GPM at 40F to 8 GPM at 70F.
By HomePlus Water on Oct 04, 2024

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