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Sterilight Ultraviolet (UV) Water Purifiers

Sterilight Replacement Lamps / Bulbs Sterilight Replacement Sleeves
Sterilight Silver Series Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilizers
Model Applications Flow Rate
based on UV dose of 40 mJ/cm2 at 95% UVT
Intensity Monitor Solenoid Shut-Off Cooling System Flow Restrictor Validation Lamp
Lowest Price
point-of-use 2 GPM
(7 lpm)
no no optional optional no 1
List Price: CDN$675.00
Price: CDN$451.00
You save: $224.00

Sterilight Ultraviolet (UV) Sterilizers Sterilight UV sterilizers use germicidal-spectrum ultraviolet light to effectively kill bacteria, viruses, and many other waterborne microorganisms that cause illness, including cryptosporidium and giardia. Like all UV sterilizers, Sterilight purifiers are a highly effective, reasonably priced, and low maintenance approach to deal with harmful pathogens in your water without the need to use potentially harmful chemicals like chlorine.

Advantages of whole house UV treatment with Sterilight:

  • chemical free approach - no harmful chemicals added to your water and no harmful bi-products are created
  • effectively kills bacteria, viruses, mold spores, fungi, oocysts (cryptospridium and giardia), and other microbiological contaminants
  • easy to install, operate, and maintain
  • cheaper than other treatment methods like chlorination and ozone
  • excellent price point relative to UV sterilizers of similar quality

Learn More About Sterilight:

How does UV sterilization work?
UV dose required to kill common bacteria, viruses, and cysts
Alternative treatment alternatives to UV
Recommended pre-filters for UV sterilizer
Recommended Viqua (Trojan) UVMax UV sterilizer accessories

Sterilight is one of the largest manufacturers of ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers for water treatment in the world. Sterilight products are well regarded in the water treatment industry for their quality and economical price. Sterilight offers one of the broadest product offerings including both point-of-use and whole house systems. The company presently offers 5 primary product lines:

Sterilight Copper Series - Discontinued
Consists of basic economical point-of-use treatment systems for application up to maximum of about 4 gallons per minute. The Copper Series is used primarily for single sink applications where a low-cost solution with limited features is desired.

Sterilight Silver Series
Includes both point-of-use and whole house models capable of treating up to about 15 gallons per minute. The Silver Series line-up offers a wide range of common features including an audible lamp failure alarm, along with visual "power-on", total runtime, and lamp life remaining indicators.

Sterilight Silver Plus Series - Discontinued
Similar to the Silver Series, except with more features, most notably, a UV intensity monitor and powered output for emergency solenoid shut-off valves (valve is optional). The Sterilight Silver Plus Series is one of the best priced UV sterilizers available today to be equipped with a UV intensity monitor! Accordingly, this product line offers excellent value for most whole-house applications

Sterilight Cobalt Basic Series - Discontinued
The Sterilight Cobalt line of disinfection systems incorporate high-output UV lamp technology coupled with efficient axial flow reactors to give you a compact footprint for easy installation. The Cobalt series are capable of treating up to about 42 gallons per minute.

Sterilight Cobalt Plus Series - Discontinued
The Sterilight Cobalt Plus line of disinfection systems incorporate high-output UV lamp technology coupled with efficient axial flow reactors, to give you a compact footprint for easy installation. The Cobalt plus series are capable of treating up to about 42 gallons per minute. With the Cobalt plus series a UV intensity monitor and powered output for emergency solenoid shut-off valves are included (valve is optional).

Sterilight Platinum (SP) Series - Discontinued
A fully-featured UV sterilizer line-up capable of treating up to more than 50 gallons per minute. Ideal for high flow rate applications, the Platinum Series features an audible lamp failure alarm, along with visual "power-on", total runtime, and lamp life remaining indicators. It also comes equipped with a UV intensity monitor, powered solenoid shut-off output, communications port, diagnostic check, flow pacing, and lamp replacement indicator.

Sterilight Platinum Validated (SPV) Series (NSF Certified) - Discontinued
The features are the same as the Platinum Series above, except NSF Certified (Validated), for flow rates up to 14.9 gallons per minute (all models include a flow restrictor).

Sterilight SV50 Certified High-flow Light Commercial UV - Discontinued
The SV50 is well suited to very high-flow light commercial water treatment applications where a USEPA certified model is desired or required. It is also a popular choice for bed and breakfast facilities, rural resorts and lodges, etc. The Sterilight SV50 is certified to 50 gallons per minute at a UV dose of at least 40,000μWs/cm2.

The UV lamp, which is enclosed in a quartz sleeve, produces ultraviolet light that destroys waterborne pathogens such as bacteria and viruses by penetrating the cell wall and deactivating the DNA so they are unable to reproduce. The UV lamp should be replaced annually. For more information on the removal of various contaminants by ultraviolet purification, please CLICK HERE.

Which Sterilight Model is best for your home is determined largely by the level of contamination and the maximum flow rate required in your home. Pre-filtration (down to 5 micron level) to remove sediment and other general contaminants is required to ensure that an adequate dose of ultraviolet light reaches the microorganisms and to ensure complete disinfection. Optional in-line flow restrictors, emergency solenoid shut-off valves, and UPS back-up power supplies can be added to your system for added protection and functionality. Below, please find details on all of our whole house Sterilight water purifiers, recommended accessories, recommended pre-filters, and links to a wide range of other information to help you with your research. Please call us toll free at 1-866-376-2690 if you would like to discuss your application.

Sterilight Ultraviolet Systems Available
Silver Plus Series
Cobalt /
Cobalt Plus Series
Platinum (SP) Series
Platinum (SPV) NSF Series
Applications point-of-use point-of-use
average home
average home
all homes
all homes
all homes
Max. Flow Rate
(UV dose >30,000 μWs/cm2)*
up to 4 GPM up to 15 GPM up to 15 GPM up to 40 GPM up to 52 GPM n/a
Max. Flow Rate
(UV dose >40,000 μWs/cm2)*
up to 3 GPM up to 11 GPM up to 11 GPM up to 30 GPM up to 39 GPM up to 20 GPM**
Lamp Failure Alarm - Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature
Visual Lamp Life
Remaining Indicator
- Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature
Lamp Replacement Indicator - - - Has Feature Has Feature Has Feature
Flow Pacing - - - - Has Feature Has Feature
Diagnostic Check / Communications Port - - - monitored
Has Feature Has Feature
UV Intensity Monitor - - Has Feature optional Has Feature Has Feature
Flow Restrictor Included? optional optional optional optional optional Has Feature
NSF Certified?
(Standard 55 Class A)
NO NO NO NO NO Has Feature
Solenoid emergency shut-off valve kit - - optional optional optional optional
Water Chamber Material 304
UV Sleeve Material quartz quartz quartz quartz quartz quartz
Electrical 100-130v, 50/60HZ 100-240v, 50/60HZ 100-240v, 50/60HZ 100-240v, 50/60HZ 100-250v, 50/60HZ 100-250v, 50/60HZ
More Info
Sterilight Copper Series
More Info
Sterilight Silver
More Info
Sterilight Silver Plus Series
More Info
Sterilight Cobalt / Cobalt Plus Series
More Info
Sterilight Platinum (SP) Series
More Info
Sterilight Platinum (SPV) NSF Series
* For most applications, a UV dose of at least 30,000 μWs/cm2 is recommended. This is considered an "industrial" dosage. NSF-certification (Platinum SPV Series) is based on a minimum dose of 40,000 μWs/cm2. All flow rate recommendations are based on 95% UV transmittance (UVT) and maximum recommended lamp age (12 months).
** NSF Certified

Recommended Pre-treatment

All UV sterilizers required sediment pre-filtration to reduce or eliminate the possibility that a targeted contaminant could "hide" behind a sediment particle in the "shadow" of the UV light and therefore not receive a full dose of UV light. Accordingly, the manufacturer strongly recommends sediment pre-filtration down to a level of 5 microns or smaller. Water exceeding 120 ppm in hardness (7 grains per gallon) should be softened to reduce the risk that hard water mineral scale will build-up on the UV sleeve thereby reducing UV light distribution into the UV chamber. Similarly, iron levels exceeding 0.3 ppm should also be treated to prevent staining of the UV sleeve. Elevated levels of certain other contaminants, such as tannins, can cause a reduction in UV transmittance (the ability of the water to transmit UV light). If the UV transmittance (UVT) of your water is less than 75% after the above-mentioned pre-treatment, activated carbon filtration may be desirable to improve UV transmittance. The majority of deep wells have a UVT of 85% or greater. If your UVT is unknown, select a model with a higher flow rate capacity then you feel you will really require (this will provide a higher UV dose at your desired flow rate), or add an activated carbon pre-filter to your system. We recommend the following pre-filter equipment:

sediment pre-filter for UV sterilizer sediment and activated carbon pre-filter for UV system iron reduction filter
5 Micron Sediment
Pre-Filter Package

excellent overall sediment pre-treatment to 5 micron level
Sediment & Activated
Carbon Pre-Filter Package

sediment pre-treatment to 5 microns and improves UV transmittance by removing tannins and other contaminants that reduce UVT
Iron Reduction
Filter Package

very cost effective iron pre-treatment filter for iron levels ranging from 0.3 to 5.0 ppm

Recommended Accessories

Sterilight UV flow restrictorsWe recommend that all Sterilight UV Systems be equipped with a flow restrictor to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum flow capacity of the system. All Platinum SPV Series (NSF Approved) models come with a flow restrictor. For all other models, a flow restrictor can be purchased separately. You should generally choose a flow restrictor rated for slightly less flow than the UV sterilizer based on a UV dose of 40,000 μWs/cm2. For more details, review our Sterilight flow restrictors page.

Many Sterilight models can also be equipped with an emergency solenoid shut-off kit. In the event of a power failure or electrical outage to your home, your UV lamp in your UV system will lose power. This could leave your home unprotected if someone turns on a water faucet. Some bacteria and other waterborne pathogens can also swim past an un-powered UV lamp and reach the downstream portion of your water system and therefore not receive a dose of UV light once the power is restored. Sterilight UV solenoid valvesThe same situation could occur in the event of a UV bulb failure or in the event of a reduction in UV lamp output (drop in UV intensity below safe dosage level). The solenoid emergency shut-off valve is normally installed at the output of your UV system and will physically close a valve in the event of a bulb burn-out or power failure, thereby preventing any contaminant from passing through the system untreated. This feature will also turn off the water supply if there is a UV intensity loss (for models equipped with a UV intensity monitor). This kit is highly recommend for all homes with a known bacterial, virus, or cyst contamination problem, and for all homes with an electrical supply that is prone to frequent outages. Various valve sizes are available. For more details, review our Sterilight solenoid valve kits page.


Installation is straightforward for any licensed plumber or a homeowner with some plumbing experience. Plumbing connections are standard NPT thread as specified in the model specification. It is recommended that standard manual shut-off valves be installed before and after the UV sterilizer. Optional flow restrictors and emergency solenoid shut-off valves are available. The electrical supply is obtained from a standard 110-120v electrical outlet (some models can be operated at 240v). See notes above regarding recommended pre-treatment. Detailed installation instructions are provided with your system.