SoftPlus Water Softeners Iron Rival Iron Reduction Systems ecoTAC Hard Water Conditioning Systems


ClearPlus WH1B+-HF High Flow Series 5 Micron <br>Whole House Sediment Filter Package

ClearPlus WH1B+-HF High Flow Series 5 Micron
Whole House Sediment Filter Package

List Price: CDN$264.00
Our Price: CDN$179.95
You save: $84.05

Turbidity generally refers to the amount of physical particulate, including sediment, soil, sand, fine clay, and organic debris suspended in water. It has no direct health effect; however, it can interfere with water disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth. In addition to being unappetizing due to its adverse taste and grittiness, turbid water has a higher likelihood of containing disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps, diarrhea, and associated headaches.

We recommend the following treatment options for turbidity: