SoftPlus Water Softeners Iron Rival Iron Reduction Systems ecoTAC Hard Water Conditioning Systems

Whole House Iron, Manganese & Hydrogen Sulfide Filters

choose iron filterWe are pleased to offer a wide range of residential and light commercial water filters to remove iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. Iron and manganese are responsible for most of the nuisance staining found in toilet bowls, on bathtubs, and in appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines. Iron typically causes yellow, orange, or red stains, whereas manganese generally causes brown or black stains. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a dissolved gas that is often found in areas with elevated iron or manganese levels. It causes an objectionable rotten egg or sulfur odor.

Fortunately, the same treatment method can be used to treat all 3 of these contaminants - a combination of oxidation and filtration. Cartridge-based filters are an economical option for low flow rates and low levels of iron and hydrogen sulfide when favorable water conditions exist. Our backwashable Iron Rival Series filters are designed for more demanding applications where heavier contaminant loads or high water volumes could cause pre-mature cartridge filter clogging.

Backwashable Systems:

Iron Rival
w/ Filox Media

<font color=#000000>Iron Rival <br>w/ Filox Media</font>

Starting at CDN$1,171.00
extremely powerful chemical-free solution for the removal of high levels of iron (up to 15ppm), manganese (up to 3 ppm), and hydrogen sulfide (up to 7 ppm)
Top Seller!

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Iron Rival
w/ Katalox Light® Media

<font color=#0890DA>Iron Rival <br>w/ Katalox Light® Media</font>

Starting at CDN$1,032.00
powerful, yet light weight, chemical-free solution for the removal of iron (up to 7 ppm) and hydrogen sulfide (up to 2 ppm) - ideal for low yield wells

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Iron Rival
w/ Birm® Media

Iron Rival <br>w/ Birm® Media

Starting at CDN$954.00
economical chemical-free solution for low to moderate iron levels (up to 3 ppm) where the pH is 6.8 or greater

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Cartridge-Based Systems

WH5 Series
Iron Filter Packages

WH5 Series <br>Cartridge-Based <br>Iron Filter Packages

Starting at CDN$339.95
Economical but highly effective cartridge-based filters for removal of low levels of iron and hydrogen sulfide. Recommended for iron levels less than 3 ppm (mg/l) where the pH is greater than 7.0. Popular choice for small homes, cabins, recreational properties and other low flow rate applications.

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WH6 Series
Cartridge-Based Iron
Filter Packages w/ KDF-85 Media

WH6 Series <br>Cartridge-Based Iron <br>Filter Packages w/ KDF-85 Media

Starting at CDN$439.95
Cartridge-based filters for removal of low levels of iron and hydrogen sulfide. Recommended for iron levels less than 2 ppm (mg/l) where the pH is 6.5 to 8.5. Popular choice for small homes, cabins, recreational properties and other low flow rate applications.

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